Blue Tit Whistle Necklace

Sale price Price $21.00 Regular price

These colourful acrobatic birds are known for hanging upside down whilst feeding on seeds and insects. They are found widely throughout Europe in deciduous and mixed woodlands where they nest in tree hollows.

Each Songbird whistle necklace is skilfully hand-shaped from clay, fired, then hand-painted by our team of creative artisans in Northern Thailand. Because of their handmade nature no two birds are the same, making them even more unique and characterful.

Listen to the whistle necklace in action...

• Featuring a single note whistle.
• Presented plastic-free, in a fabric gift bag with story card.

Designed in Australia
Ethically handcrafted in Thailand

Please note our whistle necklaces are:
• not intended for use as a toy 
• not suitable for children under 5 years